I’d like to know how to get ALL the results from the already-complete scan with more than 1000 results in xml format.
At this point any way will do - using GSA, or the python-gvm.
I understand that 1000 is a hard-limit for any entities, but getting scan results is a pretty common task,
so WTF - why is there no sane documentation on how to accomplish this?! Moreover - GSA doesn’t notify in any way that not all the results have been included. This is outrageous.
Things tried so far
ignore_pagination=1 levels=hmlg min_qod=0 filter
using first=1000 to get the rest of the results in filter
@Yurii sounds like value is hardcoded into sourcecode. so, it means that you can only get 1000 results for one host. that is “enought for most of people”…
@Eero For one host - sure. My problem is that I cannot get more than 1000 results from the scan, which was performed on more than 300 hosts. Whatever I’ve tried the export yields 1000 results, which is about 60% of all results, available in the report.
to get more then 1000 results you need to request a report with setting ignore_pagination to 1. For example : <get_reports report_id="..." ignore_pagination="1" details="1" filter="levels=hmlg min_qod=0" />. It’s not possible to request more then 1000 items with <get_results/>.
Hello, how to export to csv with 15000resulsts?Or someone created a converter from xml to csv?
I can upload xml like this
gvm-cli --gmp-username user --gmp-password password --timeout 900 socket --socketpath /var/run/gvmd/gvmd.sock --xml “<get_reports report_id="ID" details="1" ignore_pagination="1" format_id="a994b278-1f62-11e1-96ac-406186ea4fc5"/>” >test.xml
The data is all there, but the rows are divided into sections according to an xml scheme unknown to me and I cannot match the necessary columns, as in csv. I only need
IP,Hostname,CVSS,Severity,NVT Name, Summary, Specific Result, NVT OID, CVEs, Task Name, Timestamp, Impact, Solution, how to do this?
sorry for the my english, i use google translate…
Hi. Gsa (web-interface) has the option to export directly to csv. Alternatively you can export a small set, take a look at the xml scheme and convert to scv using python - this would be a really small and straightforward script.