PDF file produced by scripts/pdf-report.gmp can not be opened successly

gvm-script -c ./gvm-tools.conf tls --hostname --port 9390 pdf-report.gmp f06bdf89-c29c-4565-923a-d64908012067
PDF file produced command above can not be opened.

GVM versions

**gsad:8.0.1 (‘gsad --version’)
**gvmd: 8.0.1 (‘gvmd --version’)
**openvas:6.0.1 (‘openvassd --version’)
gvm-tools:2.0.0 release version
python-gvm:1.0.0 release version


**Operating system:linux fedora x86_64
**Kernel:Linux (‘uname -a’)
**Installation method / source:source code installation

Please ensure you have installed the required packages e.g. xsltproc and xmlstarlet. There are a lot of topics regarding the missing packages for different distributions in this forum. E.g.

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Thank you very much for your suggestion.

I have installed xsltproc,xmlstarlet and pdflatex, pdf doc produced by scripts/pdf-report.gmp can be display successly now.

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Hi, I have the same problem. I obtain a corrupted or ureadable PDF file by running pdf-report.gmp.
Sometimes I have also these errors:

  • binascii.Error: Invalid base64-encoded string: number of data characters (521125) cannot be 1 more than a multiple of 4
  • binascii.Error: Incorrect padding

I installed xsltproc, xmlstarlet, texlive*

GVM versions
gsad:8.0.1 (‘gsad --version’)
gvmd: 8.0.1 (‘gvmd --version’)
openvas:6.0.1 (‘openvassd --version’)
gvm-tools:2.0.0 release version
python-gvm:1.0.0 release version

Operating system: Linux kali-server 5.2.0-kali2-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.2.9-2kali1 (2019-08-22) x86_64

No one?
Note that from the dashboard I correctly download the report in pdf format. The problem is to create the pdf using the pdf-report.gmp script. Thanks

I have exactly the same issues currently…

Via GSA, PDF generation works fine. If I use the pdf-report.gmp script respectively embed the code in my own scripts, I sometimes get the same Errors and sometimes a file is created but unreadable (filetype application/octet-stream).

What is conspicuous, is that the size of the unreadable file is almost twice as much as the same pdf report file exported via GSA.

pdf-report.gmp is an example script! You have to add some additional exception handling and debug output to get the root cause of the issue.

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So, there was probably a parsing issue going on.

Firstly I temporarily saved the XML response and removed all nodes from <report> but the text node. Parsing of this modified XML worked fine with the pdf-report.gmp code.

But instead of removing nodes I applied the solution suggested from @gormami posted in:

To achieve this, the codeline of pdf-report.gmp

had to be rewritten as follows:

import re
from lxml import etree

# get the content of the report element
report = report_response[0]
report = etree.tostring(report).decode('ascii')
report = re.sub('</report_format>', '</report_format><value>', report)
report = re.sub('</report>', '</value></report>', report)
report = etree.fromstring(report)
content = report.xpath('value')[0].text

In my case, this results in a correct PDF report. Of course, this is just a workaround. But obviously there are some parser which cannot handle the XML structure of <report>. So maybe an adjustment should be considered.


Good job man, it works. It would be interesting to know in which part of the GCE python source code GSA generates pdf from xml…

After changing the mentioned line of code with the new code, i am getting the following error

" ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘encode’ "

Can you please check it?

Maybe it’s the same problem as

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Thanks for the response.
So, is it there any other possibility to get the report?