My OpenVAS scanner does not detect any missing 3rd party patches (e.g. outdated Adobe PDF, outdated Google Chrome, missing Windows/Microsoft KBs).
I have a dedicated credential (service account) for the scanner to authenticate to machines on my network (via SSH, SMB, and ESXi, which are the only 3 authentication options. SNMP is a 4th option but we do not have that enabled).
That SA is not disabled and the password is up to date. However, when I go into scan results, I notice that authentication is never successful, which leads me to believe that this is a port issue of some sort?
(See attached image, noticeably the “X’s”).
I also checked the Scan Configs and under “General” settings, 3rd party patches are selected in the scan template so it is set up to identify them whenever the scanner runs. Also currently running GSA Version 20.08.0~git.
Any thoughts/feedback from the community? Thanks!