GVM 21.04 - Kali Linux

Hello Everyone,
Is it possible to get 21.04 version of GVM installed on Kali Linux?
Did anyone try it?

Easily with a container.


Greenbone is evaluating a plan to support kali in the future and will provide some news on this in the next weeks.


I’ve tested GVM 21.04 with Docker running Kali Linux 2021.2. It works like a charm.

Short post (German only) here:



Thanks for the promo. I tried to add a comment, but probably the google translation messed up as I never saw the captcha.

If you want to reduce the wait time on startup, you can add “-e SKIPSYNC=true” to your initial docker start command. This should get you scanning in 10-15 minutes assuming reasonable hardware. The container image on docker hub is updated weekly to provide current NVTs in the image.

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You did a good job. Thanks for the initial docker start command. I added it in my howto. Perfect solution!

Are this news available somewhere?

Just here yet. As soon as we provide images, we will make an “offical” anouncement.

I learned that from our technical guys that is is our goal to provide images in Q3/2021.

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I can confirm that the docker image works perfectly. Thank you for your help everyone, I think we have created an important topic here.

We plan to provide official Greenbone docker images with Q3 this year. As @Elmar wrote there will be a bigger announcement upfront.

For better Kali support we got in contact with the Kali devs and at the moment we are documenting a full installation guide on howto install and setup our GVM stack. This will help the packagers and also users who are building from source.