I have noticed that the community plugins (and apparently also the enterprise plugins) have not been updated / released since last August 27 at 0610.
I don’t want to complain, be assured, about something you provide for free and I and many others value, but this feed is almost a week old, so was wondering when the new plugins will be released.
I have tried to download an update several times over the past days and today, but the date is always the same…
Can you please advice?
Sorry for late response:
Due to the transition of the Community Container to a self-hosted registry, you may experience missing container updates on the current host!
We will reveal and update the documentation for the Community Container shortly!
And btw.: The “normal” way to update the feed is still working and everything is updated as usual for both enterprise and community feed. Only the data containers on DockerHub are missing some updates!
Is the “normal” update that you mentioned the one we download from new URL mentioned in the Github page?
Because based on that URL, the community feed is still at ‘202408270610’.
At least that is what I get when downloading the plugin_feed_info.inc file using
I also checked the NVTs on the Greenbone Secinfo. The feed there is also from 27th August 2024.
Am I using the wrong URL, or is the feed present at the URL mentioned in github not updated?
May I ask you what is the date of the latest available community feed?
Hi y0urself,
I am glad that I could be of help in bringing this up to your attention.
Do you have any idea about when the problem will be solved? Approximately…
I noticed the the SCAP, CERT and DATA Feeds are not up to date. The feeds an my system have the date Greenbone SCAP Data Feed - 20240822T0500 , Greenbone CERT Data Feed - 20240828T0408, Greenbone Data Objects Feed - 20240828T0504.
Only the Community-Feed is up to date.
The updates of the “feeds” and “containers” appear to be running normally, but the feeds continue to be outdated.