Won't scan machines

GVM versions

gsad: (‘gsad --version’) 20.08.1
gvmd: (‘gvmd --version’) 20.08.1
openvas-scanner: (‘openvas --version’, in older GVM versions < 11: ‘openvassd --version’) 20.08.1


Operating system: Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS
Kernel: (‘uname -a’) 5.4.0-66-generic #74-Ubuntu
Installation method / source: Third Party Package

I created a target and then created a task and when I start the task I am seeing the following the the log. I altered the IP and HOST Name just FYI:
sd main:MESSAGE:2021-03-05 19h38.03 utc:6992: openvas 20.8.1 started
sd main:MESSAGE:2021-03-05 19h38.26 utc:6992: Vulnerability scan 159bbedb-6264-4dda-9847-423f6586c70e started: Target has 1 hosts:, with max_hosts = 20 and max_checks = 4
sd main:MESSAGE:2021-03-05 19h38.26 utc:7138: Vulnerability scan 159bbedb-6264-4dda-9847-423f6586c70e started for host: (Vhosts: server.domain.com)
sd main:MESSAGE:2021-03-05 19h38.28 utc:7138: The remote host is dead
sd main:MESSAGE:2021-03-05 19h38.28 utc:7138: Vulnerability scan 159bbedb-6264-4dda-9847-423f6586c70e finished for host in 2.26 seconds
sd main:MESSAGE:2021-03-05 19h38.28 utc:6992: Vulnerability scan 159bbedb-6264-4dda-9847-423f6586c70e finished in 25 seconds: 1 hosts

but the server that hosts Greenbone Security Assistant can ping that host and I am also able to run nmap against that host just fine. What is the issue here?