Where does openvas store results of NASL scripts execution?

While exploring greenbone project structure, figure out the question, i can’t find answer to: where does openvas scanner stores results of NASL scripts execution? Is it redis? Or results go straight to database? Any help please

Singe results of a VT is stored within the redis used as knowledge database, the final result is created within the GVMD by processing and correlating this results with other information. GVMD is storing the data in the database as well.


Thanks a lot for your reply. Than, if you don’t mind, on more question about topic i can’t get in. I checked out some nasl scripts and as far as i understood, they return scan results via various methods like putting some data into redis or just printing it in cli using log_message function. So how does openvas collects all these results? Thanks

This seems to be a completely different question which might had been already asked below:

If this is the case i would suggest to keep this question over there (The usual one thread for one question rule commonly used in discussion forums).

Yes, sorry, that’s my question too :wink: However i didn’t get any replies, maybe you can check it? :slight_smile:

I’m currently exploring source code of openvas scanner and trying to understand how it works. As far as i know openvas executes a number of VTs written in NASL language and according to its results puts some data into redis. While trying to run some NASL scripts (for better understanding of a whole process) with openvas-nasl tool i came to conclusion that different scripts perform various results and sometimes its rather hard to understand if VT succeed. So how does openvas-scanner figure out result of script execution? Thanks