Upgrade GOS & update feed

Hello Community,

I tried to upgrade GOS (CENO) & update feed, but I got this error in the logs :

** ±-[ED25519 256]–+**
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** ±—[SHA256]-----+**
** FEED_Frontend:DE_01_2020101000**

** Welcome to the:**

** Greenbone Security Feed Server**

** feed.greenbone.net: Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interact**
** rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [Receiver]**
** rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(235) [Receiv**
** Jan 24 03:37:04 gsm greenbone-apt-sync[6283]: greenbone-apt-sync: Apt Sync failed**

In this log, you can see that I’m using the Greenbone Security Feed, but I’m encountering the same error with the Community Feed. Since the Greenbone Security Feed subscription is about to expire in just a few days, could you help me resolve this issue using the Community Feed instead?

Hi @alaafou and welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

I checked with GOS support and they recommended that your remove the subscription key (the log indicates it has already expired). You should be able to try again and see if it pulls the community feed, though for upgrades to GOS itself you’ll need to renew the subscription.

Edit to add, this page should help with the key removal: 7 Managing the Greenbone Operating System - Greenbone Enterprise Appliance – GOS 22.04.25


Thanks @DeeAnn for your assistance

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You’re welcome :slight_smile: