Upgrade Community (free) edition from 22.04.18 to 22.04.21

I currently have a VM on ESXi that is the trial (community) edition 22.04.18. It is used for quarterly internal scanning of our network for a number of workstations and servers on a rotating basis.

Running a scan today it shows that the edition is out of date and needs to be updated to 22.04.21.

It was originally installed from an OVA file in March 2024. Greenbone-Enterprise-TRIAL-22.04.18-VMware-Workstation

I am not a NIX person, but knowing just enough to get myself into trouble if I try. I am a Windows Network Administrator.

What is the best way to upgrade this and retain the existing hosts and tasks and results?

I don’t believe that the Greenbone Enterprise Trial VM can be upgraded without an Enterprise subscription.