Unexpected EOF

When running a docker compose -f $DOWNLOAD_DIR/docker-compose.yml -p greenbone-community-edition pull I keep getting ‘unexpected EOF’

To rule out a network issue, I have tried this on two different systems on two completely different networks. I’m using the newest docker-compose.yml with the “registry.community.greenbone.net/community” locations.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Same issue here. Went back to the dockerhub images for the time being.

Dockerd logs below when trying to pull images from greenbone repo.

INFO[2024-09-13T19:28:11.423371292Z] Download failed, retrying (1/5): unexpected EOF 
INFO[2024-09-13T19:28:16.787814599Z] Download failed, retrying (2/5): unexpected EOF 
INFO[2024-09-13T19:28:27.161147289Z] Download failed, retrying (3/5): unexpected EOF 
INFO[2024-09-13T19:28:42.533099083Z] Download failed, retrying (4/5): unexpected EOF 
ERRO[2024-09-13T19:29:02.894820792Z] Download failed after 5 attempts: unexpected EOF 

Also got this, resolved it by removing the containers before deploying the new compose file.

With the old docker-compose.yml:
docker compose -f $DOWNLOAD_DIR/docker-compose.yml -p greenbone-community-edition down

Thanks for the idea. One of my systems was a brand new fresh OS install so there are no containers to remove.

This “unexpected EOF” issue with pull command persists on both systems. I’m thinking it’s an greenbone server side.

Agreed with ChanScan - I cleaned out my images and even tried a full purge of docker. Most of the containers downloaded correctly but a few continue to get this EOF when downloading.
Even tried to limit concurrent downloads to 1 to make sure I wasn’t getting rate limited or something, but still no dice.
Definitely seems like an issue with either a few of the current containers, or the new Container Repo itself.

Ok, must have been a coincidence in my case then. Hm… now when thinking of it, I only had this with the one where I downloaded the new docker.compose.yml. For the other installation I just replaced the image path in the yml and didn’t get any errors. Anyway… as mentioned, maybe just some coincidence in my case.

[+] Pulling 87/28
:heavy_check_mark: openvas Skipped - Image is already being pulled by openvasd 0.0s
:heavy_check_mark: configure-openvas Skipped - Image is already being pulled by openvasd 0.0s
⠸ gpg-data [⣿⣿⣿] 2.222MB / 2.222MB Pulling 51.4s
:heavy_check_mark: openvasd Pulled 12.0s
⠸ report-formats [⣿⣿⣿] 203.4kB / 203.4kB Pulling 51.4s
:heavy_check_mark: gvmd Pulled 21.7s
:heavy_check_mark: redis-server Pulled 7.6s
⠸ ospd-openvas [⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿] 221.1MB / 226MB Pulling 51.4s
:heavy_check_mark: gvm-tools Pulled 5.6s
:heavy_check_mark: notus-data Pulled 0.7s
:heavy_check_mark: data-objects Pulled 0.7s
:heavy_check_mark: gsa Pulled 0.6s
:heavy_check_mark: cert-bund-data Pulled 0.7s
⠸ vulnerability-tests [⣿⣿⣿] 216.3MB / 219.8MB Pulling 51.4s
:heavy_check_mark: scap-data Pulled 0.6s
⠸ pg-gvm [⣿⣿⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀] Pulling 51.4s
:heavy_check_mark: dfn-cert-data Pulled 0.6s

unexpected EOF

I’m unfortunately facing the same issue as well. Any work arounds so far?

100% same problem.
Tried on different hosts with different networks and connections, all the same.
Blank host with Debian12 and facing this:

[+] Running 19/16
⠸ scap-data [⠀⠀] Pulling 60.4s
⠸ redis-server [⣿⣿⣿⣿] 55.32MB / 55.96MB Pulling 60.4s
⠸ gsa [⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀] Pulling 60.4s
⠸ gvmd [⣿⣿⣿⣿⣶⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿] 181.5MB / 217MB Pulling 60.4s
⠸ pg-gvm [⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀] Pulling 60.4s
⠸ dfn-cert-data [⠀⠀] Pulling 60.4s
⠸ gpg-data [⠀⠀] Pulling 60.4s
⠸ openvasd [⣀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀] Pulling 60.4s
⠸ gvm-tools [⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀] Pulling 60.4s
⠸ vulnerability-tests [⠀⠀] Pulling 60.4s
⠸ ospd-openvas [⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀] Pulling 60.4s
:heavy_check_mark: notus-data Pulled 42.1s
⠸ openvas Pulling 60.4s
⠸ configure-openvas Pulling 60.4s
⠸ report-formats [⠀⠀⠀⠀] Pulling 60.4s
⠸ data-objects [⠀⠀⠀] Pulling 60.4s
unexpected EOF

I’m facing the same problem here, this error occured when I do docker compose up, some said it is because the internet connection and I’ve tried to change my network and the error still occured. Any solution on this problem? Much thanks for any responses!

In my case, I can pull all images but the one for vulnerability-tests:

 ⠙ vulnerability-tests 4 layers [⣿⣄⣿⣿]   107MB/219.8MB Pulling
   ✔ 19f2bd1a0b36 Already exists                                                
   ⠿ e264141ceee8 Extracting                                       [========================>                          ]    107MB/219.8MB
   ✔ ce9bb44685ee Download complete
   ⠧ 4f4fb700ef54 Downloading                                      [==================================================>]      32B/32B

It is always the last layer, when I hit 32B/32B mark.

Same issue here…

same problem here

Ubuntu 22.04

tried to remove all old containers and images but still same error :frowning:

Can confirm … we will look into this …!

1 Like

The download should work as expected again.



works again.

thanks :smiley:


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: no matching manifest for linux/amd64 in the manifest list entries

I’v the same issue
Ubuntu 22.04 lts and installation guide Greenbone Community Containers - Greenbone Community Documentation

please help. Thank you :grinning:

i forgot the error message: unexpected EOF

Getting the unexpected EOF again but it’s intermittent, happens on gsa and pg-gvm