I have a very simple script I used to use to update the community feeds now I get errors saying the following
rsync: [Receiver] failed to connect to feed.community.greenbone.net ( Connection refused (111)
There are also ones with an ipv6 address.
My question is has something changed in how the feeds are to be updated on kali linux?
No, nothing has changed. The instructions are here. Perphaps you have network congestion, or the feed-server is busy. Also, if you have more than one feed updating from your IP at one time, the connection will be refused.
This is the funny thing I have a single machine a laptop that isnt on all the time and this is happening on kali linux.
I am using the greebone-feed-sync command as per the instructions link you provided yet issue persists. I am just worried my IP address has been black listed for one reason or another.
It’s very unlikely that your IP has been blocked. To my knowledge, the feed server does not maintain any long-term IP block lists. How familiar are you with troubleshooting a network connection? There are other threads on the forum for virtually every error message and troubleshooting steps such as using traceroute.
I am familiar with troubleshooting network connections I will look at it from that side and investigate further that way.
Thanks for the feedback and suggestions 
Yes, the error “Connection refused” does not guarantee that your reaching the Greenbone feed server. Firewalls, VPN, or incorrectly configured proxies could be blocking blocking traffic. You should traceroute
to see where the connection is being reset.
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