Unable to install gsa and gsad under gvm 21.4.3

unable to install ‘gsa’ and ‘gsad’ under the ubuntu 22.04 distributions.
all package are installed under the apt install gvm’ package but gsa and gsad package not avail. neither gsad package able to find with 21.4.3.
pl. guide me how to install ‘gsa’ and ‘gsad’ package under Ubuntu.

is it alternate way apart from source code.

Step 6: Checking Greenbone Security Assistant (GSA) …
ERROR: No Greenbone Security Assistant (gsad) found.
FIX: Please install Greenbone Security Assistant.

ERROR: Your GVM-21.4.3 installation is not yet complete!

You can try to install from scratch by following our documentation: Building 22.4 from Source - Greenbone Community Documentation

Only way to install via source code. no alternative options.

if we choose to install via source code then upgradation huge task for all module again.

We also provide docker containers. (If that was a question)

We are not the provider or maintainer for any packages that are provided for any distribution(s). Thus if you think that there is a bug in the apt packages of our software stack, you need to contact the responsible person.