The command "systemctl status gvmd" Failed to start Greenbone Vulnerability Manager daemon (gvmd)

I tried too install GVM 21.04 with this tutorial. The problem is that during the installation it is not possible to start gvmd service (with “systemctl status gvmd”).

The error in /var/log/gvm/gvmd.log is:

LINE 1: SELECT value FROM public.meta WHERE name = 'database_version…
md manage:WARNING:2022-08-25 09h25.40 utc:12439: sql_exec_internal: SQL: SELECT value FROM public.meta WHERE name = ‘database_version’;
md manage:WARNING:2022-08-25 09h25.40 utc:12439: sql_x: sql_exec_internal failed
md manage:MESSAGE:2022-08-25 09h25.40 utc:12439: No SCAP database found
md manage:MESSAGE:2022-08-25 09h25.40 utc:12439: No CERT database found
md manage:MESSAGE:2022-08-25 09h25.40 utc:12439: db_extension_available: Extension ‘pg-gvm’ is not available.
md manage:WARNING:2022-08-25 09h25.40 utc:12439: check_db_extensions: A required extension is not available.
md manage:WARNING:2022-08-25 09h25.40 utc:12439: init_manage_create_functions: failed to create functions

I search the solution but I don’t find anything that helping me…

If you want other information, ask me and I’ll find it.

Thank you for you help,



Hmm i think the tutorial is using the wrong git url´s, i would ensure you checked out the desired version.
Stable is now 22.04.

Please follow the official install instructions provided here:


Okay, do you think I have to restart from scratch to install 22.04 ?

Yes it is best to start from scratch using our Greenbone Community Documentation

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