SNMP not detected in scan results

I’m scanning a device with a net-snmp SNMPv3 server running on UDP port 161. Nmap is correctly detecting the SNMP service (I can see it in the Nmap (NASL wrapper) output). The port 161 is also showing up in the Checks for open UDP ports NVT but the service is not detected by the Services NVT. Does anybody have any idea where the problem could be? How is the Services NVT detecting SNMP?

I’m using Greenbone in Greenbone Community Containers, the scan config is Full and fast (with Nmap logging turned on) and I’m scanning All IANA assigned TCP and UDP. The firewall is turned off for this connection.

Thanks for help

The Docker container running openvas-scanner would need to have the following prerequisites installed for a successful detection of SNMPv3 services:

Recommended to have improved SNMP support:

  • netsnmp libraries or alternatively the snmpget binary.
  • snmp client

openvas-scanner/ at main · greenbone/openvas-scanner · GitHub

Not sure if this is the case.


Sadly, this doesn’t seem to be the case. The container has NET-SNMP 5.9.3. Not sure if I need to configure it somehow or install something more.