October 21, 2018, 9:31am
Has anyone come across this / tips for fixing? Using latest code (openvassd 6.0+beta2 (GIT revision 34df57e-master)
Ubuntu 18 LTS
==> openvassd.log <==
sd main:MESSAGE:2018-10-21 09h29.40 utc:22019: Starts a new scan. Target(s) :, with max_hosts = 20 and max_checks = 4
sd main:MESSAGE:2018-10-21 09h29.40 utc:22019: exclude_hosts: Skipped 0 host(s).
sd main:WARNING:2018-10-21 09h29.40 utc:22147: SIGSEGV occurred!
sd main:WARNING:2018-10-21 09h29.40 utc:22147: openvassd: Serving /usr/local/var/run/openvassd.sock(+0x1185e) [0x55e300aa885e]
sd main:WARNING:2018-10-21 09h29.40 utc:22147: openvassd: Serving /usr/local/var/run/openvassd.sock(sighand_segv+0x29) [0x55e300aa8930]
sd main:WARNING:2018-10-21 09h29.40 utc:22147: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x3ef20) [0x7fbffb404f20]
sd main:WARNING:2018-10-21 09h29.40 utc:22147: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x451b0) [0x7fbffb40b1b0]
sd main:WARNING:2018-10-21 09h29.40 utc:22147: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(atoi+0x10) [0x7fbffb406690]
sd main:WARNING:2018-10-21 09h29.40 utc:22147: openvassd: Serving /usr/local/var/run/openvassd.sock(+0x6b1c) [0x55e300a9db1c]
sd main:WARNING:2018-10-21 09h29.40 utc:22147: openvassd: Serving /usr/local/var/run/openvassd.sock(+0x7f53) [0x55e300a9ef53]
sd main:WARNING:2018-10-21 09h29.40 utc:22147: openvassd: Serving /usr/local/var/run/openvassd.sock(create_process+0x5c) [0x55e300aa85cf]
sd main:WARNING:2018-10-21 09h29.40 utc:22147: openvassd: Serving /usr/local/var/run/openvassd.sock(attack_network+0x530) [0x55e300a9ff63]
sd main:WARNING:2018-10-21 09h29.40 utc:22147: openvassd: Serving /usr/local/var/run/openvassd.sock(+0xcb48) [0x55e300aa3b48]
sd main:MESSAGE:2018-10-21 09h29.41 utc:22019: Test complete
sd main:MESSAGE:2018-10-21 09h29.41 utc:22019: Total time to scan all hosts : 3 seconds
Many thanks for any info
October 21, 2018, 11:37am
please note that the “master” branch is where all development is happening. This branch might show unexpected behavior or could even break at any time. It is strongly suggested to stay with the official announced source code releases in About the Greenbone Source Edition (GSE) category .
The issue you’re currently seeing should disappear once the following PR has been merged into the master branch:
← jjnicola:fix-sigseg
opened 12:44PM - 19 Oct 18 UTC
October 21, 2018, 11:45am
Thanks, I was using the latest official releases but ran into this issue: GVM-10 scans never go past 1%
Currently struggling to find a version that works at all!
October 21, 2018, 11:49am
GVM-10 is a beta release as well so you can use the latest GVM-9 (stable, initial release 2017-03-07) release which is recommended for productive use.
October 21, 2018, 12:14pm
I tried that as well, but on v9 gvm-cli is giving me auth errors (with correct credentials passed).
v10 works with gvm-cli, but scanner is broken
v9 is broken with gvm-cli, but scanner works
Trying to find the correct combination of version/packages that work together is really frustrating.
October 21, 2018, 4:38pm
The possible combinations of our software components are mentioned here as @cfi already advertised
Greenbone Community Edition
Greenbone Vulnerability Management version 9 (GVM-9) is end-of-life. It will not get any additional public releases. Please upgrade to a newer version of GVM. GVM is developed for and as part of the commercial product line Greenbone Security...
Reading time: 1 mins 🕑
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GVM 10 is not ready for production usage and by using master you can always get into a broken state. Therefore I really suggest to use GVM 9 currently. If something isn’t working with gvm-tools 1.4 and GVM 9 you should open a new topic and explain your problems in detail. Feedback about issues is always appreciated.
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