My gvmd is having trouble communicating with the PostgreSQL database it seems. I have determined that the NVTs table exists with around ~63k entries. The database admin is correctly set to my user too.
However, as the image suggests, the SCAP database is not correctly generated. This is the gvmd log:
md manage: WARNING: 2021-03-05 15h23.05 utc:15584: split _xml_ file: system failed with ret 512, 1 (2), xml_split -s40Mb split.xml && head -n 2 split-00.xml > head.xml && echo '</cpe-list>' > tail.xml && for F in split-*.xml; do awk 'NR>3 {print last} {last=$0}' $F > body .xml && cat head.xml body.xml tail.xml > $F; done
md manage: WARNING: 2021-03-05 15h23.05 utc:15584: split_xml_ file: and failed to chdir back
md manage:WARNING: 2021-03-05 15h23.05 utc:15584: update scap cpes: Failed to split CPEs, attempting with full file
-- (a reboot happened here) --
md main:MESSAGE:2021-03-05 15h24.59 utc:823: Greenbone Vulnerability Manager version 20.08.1~git-cda16138-HEAD (GIT revision cda16138-HEAD) (DB revision 233)
md manage: MESSAGE: 2021-03-05 15h25.00 utc:824: No SCAP database found
util gpgme:MESSAGE : 2021-03-05 15h25.00 utc:824: Setting GnuPG dir to 'opt/gvm/var/lib/gvm/gvmd/gnupg'
util gpgme:MESSAGE: 2021-03-05 15h25.01 utc:824: Using OpenPGP engine version '2.2.12'
md manage: WARNING: 2021-03-05 15h25.04 utc:850: update scap: No SCAP db present, rebuilding SCAP db from scratch
md manage: INFO: 2021-03-05 15h25.04 utc:850: update scap: Updating data from feed
md manage: INFO: 2021-03-05 15h25.04 utc:850: Updating CPEs
md manage:WARNING: 2021-03-05 15h26.02 utc:850: update scap cpes from file: CPE dictionary missing CPE-LIST
md manage: WARNING: 2021-03-05 15h26.04 utc:950: update scap: No SCAP db present, rebuilding SCAP db from scratch
md manage: INFO: 2021-03-05 15h26.04 utc:950: update scap: Updating data from feed
md manage: INFO: 2021-03-05 15h26.04 utc:950: Updating CPEs
md manage: WARNING: 2021-03-05 15h26.57 utc:950: update scap cpes from file: CPE dictionary missing CPE-LIST
md manage:WARNING: 2021-03-05 15h27.06 utc:1083: update scap: No SCAP db present, rebuilding SCAP db from scratch
md manage: INFO: 2021-03-05 15h27.07 utc:1083: update scap: Updating data from feed
md manage: INFO: 2021-03-05 15h27.07 utc:1083: Updating CPEs
It goes on like this forever, there are hundreds of lines in the log from 10am, when the service was first started.
I also took a look at the log’s head and found this:
sql_exec_internal: PQexec failed: ERROR: relation "public.meta" does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT value FROM public.meta WHERE name = 'database_version...
Any clues on how I may debug this?
Thanks in advance
GVM versions
gsad: Greenbone Security Assistant 20.08.1~git-fc9e55140
gvmd: Greenbone Vulnerability Manager 20.08.1~git~cda16138-HEAD
GIT revision cda16138-HEAD
Manager DB revision 233
openvas-scanner: OpenVAS 20.08.1
gvm-libs: gvm-libs 20.8.1~git~2712b4d-HEAD
psql --version
psql (PostgreSQL) 11.10 (Debian 11.10-0+deb10u1)
(dpkg -l | grep postgresql)
ii postgresql 11+200+deb10u4 all
ii postgresql-11 11.10-0+deb10u1 amd64
ii postgresql-client-11 11.10-0+deb10u1 amd64
ii postgresql-client-common 200+deb10u4 all
ii postgresql-common 200+deb10u4 all
ii postgresql-contrib 11+200+deb10u4 all
ii postgresql-server-dev-11 11.10-0+deb10u1 amd64
ii postgresql-server-dev-all 200+deb10u4 all
Operating system: Debian 10 ‘Buster’
Kernel: Linux dcvx-secvas-p1 4.19.0-14-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.19.171-2 (2021-01-30) x86_64 GNU/Linux
Installation method / source: ISO