Scans in queued state forever - using 64 GB RAM server

  • Despite using 64 GB ram, openvas is still queing the scans and the scan is stuck at queue state.

  • Ther eis still 53 GB ram left out.
ubuntu@ubuntu-dev-vulnscanner-1:~$ free -m 
               total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:           64235       10103        8853         283       45278       53122
Swap:          12287           0       12287
  • Should i use 128GB RAM or 256 GB RAM or 1 TB ram to fix these memory issues or the interruption of the scans or queued scans.
  • There is not a proper documentation on why its getting stuck at queued state or possible reasons for it.
  • After finishing 14 tasks out of 15 tasks, still the memory of ospd openvas is 2.35 GB, no reasons why it is so high and ther eis no scans running.
CONTAINER ID   NAME                                         CPU %     MEM USAGE / LIMIT     MEM %     NET I/O           BLOCK I/O         PIDS
e44973c4f796   greenbone-community-edition-gsa-1            0.00%     115.6MiB / 62.73GiB   0.18%     6.02MB / 35.2MB   28.7kB / 45.1kB   7
cab62bd4a980   greenbone-community-edition-gvmd-1           0.07%     446.2MiB / 62.73GiB   0.69%     5.38kB / 0B       1.23MB / 253MB    4
98c9ddbbe5e5   greenbone-community-edition-ospd-openvas-1   0.78%     2.369GiB / 62.73GiB   3.78%     7.39GB / 1.14GB   3.26MB / 2.34GB   12
8b114a5c7d25   greenbone-community-edition-openvas-1        0.00%     624KiB / 62.73GiB     0.00%     5.38kB / 0B       0B / 0B           2
2ecfc3d74143   greenbone-community-edition-openvasd-1       0.00%     201.9MiB / 62.73GiB   0.31%     5.31kB / 0B       0B / 0B           34
77a26f15dffb   greenbone-community-edition-redis-server-1   0.17%     328.6MiB / 62.73GiB   0.51%     6.09kB / 0B       315kB / 24.6kB    12
5f561e3390d3   greenbone-community-edition-pg-gvm-1         0.13%     272.1MiB / 62.73GiB   0.42%     6kB / 0B          1.44MB / 38.3GB   10

  • When checking for ospd processes, there are 2 ospd processes running in background, collectively using 2.3GB ram.
ubuntu@ubuntu-dev-vulnscanner-1:~$ ps aux | grep openvas
root     1685189  0.0  0.0   2576  1280 ?        Ss   Dec09   0:00 /bin/sh -c /usr/local/bin/openvasd
root     1685235  0.0  0.0   2576  1536 ?        Ss   Dec09   0:00 /bin/sh -c cat /etc/openvas/openvas.conf tail -f /var/log/openvas/openvas.log 
root     1685242  0.0  0.0   2472  1024 ?        Ss   Dec09   0:04 /usr/bin/tini -- /usr/local/bin/entrypoint ospd-openvas -f --config /etc/gvm/ospd-openvas.conf --notus-feed-dir /var/lib/notus/advisories -m 666
1001     1685411  0.2  1.5 1604508 1031240 ?     Sl   Dec09   6:04 /usr/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/ospd-openvas -f --config /etc/gvm/ospd-openvas.conf --notus-feed-dir /var/lib/notus/advisories -m 666
root     1685430  0.0  0.3 2398412 211644 ?      Sl   Dec09   0:02 /usr/local/bin/openvasd
root     1685491  0.2  0.0   2516  1024 ?        S    Dec09   6:08 tail -f /var/log/openvas/openvas.log
1001     1685613  0.0  0.2 2531820 165084 ?      Sl   Dec09   1:27 /usr/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/ospd-openvas -f --config /etc/gvm/ospd-openvas.conf --notus-feed-dir /var/lib/notus/advisories -m 666
ubuntu   2580175  0.0  0.0 2364016 33360 pts/8   Sl+  07:38   0:00 docker compose -f openvas.yml -p greenbone-community-edition stats
ubuntu   2580199  0.3  0.0 3130100 56464 pts/8   Sl+  07:38   0:09 /usr/libexec/docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose compose -f openvas.yml -p greenbone-community-edition stats
ubuntu   2581050  0.7  0.3 43856592 209072 pts/10 Sl+ 07:39   0:18 node worker.js -w openvas
1001     2588946  1.0  2.2 2214040 1465244 ?     Ss   07:45   0:21 /usr/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/ospd-openvas -f --config /etc/gvm/ospd-openvas.conf --notus-feed-dir /var/lib/notus/advisories -m 666
1001     2590796  0.1  0.0      0     0 ?        ZN   07:45   0:03 [openvas] <defunct>
ubuntu   2864872  0.0  0.0   7008  2048 pts/14   S+   08:19   0:00 grep --color=auto openvas
  • Again no reson why multiple scanners started.