Scans hanging with pggvm and gvmd transaction errors

Hi all,

I’ve got about 20 deployments out in the wild running scans regularly.

One of them is hanging at 89% with the below error messages.
Stopping and restarting scans result in the same errors, as does a docker compose down/pull/up.

Current versions (same across all deployments):
gsa: 22.5.0
ospd-openvas: 22.5.3
notus: 22.5.0
pg-gvm: 22.5.1
gvmd: 22.5.4

greenbone-community-edition-pg-gvm-1               | 2023-09-13 23:31:52.077 UTC [150] gvmd@gvmd ERROR:  invalid input syntax for type integer: "" at character 303
greenbone-community-edition-pg-gvm-1               | 2023-09-13 23:31:52.077 UTC [150] gvmd@gvmd STATEMENT:  SELECT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM results   WHERE report = 8 and hash_value = 'c3c2d5eb1b61d7e66f47297f4c0ff207'    and host = '' and hostname = ''    and type = 'Error Message' and description = 'NVT timed out after 900 seconds.'    and port = 'general/tcp' and severity = '-3.0'    and qod = '' and path = '' );
greenbone-community-edition-pg-gvm-1               | 2023-09-13 23:31:52.080 UTC [150] gvmd@gvmd ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
greenbone-community-edition-pg-gvm-1               | 2023-09-13 23:31:52.080 UTC [150] gvmd@gvmd STATEMENT:  UPDATE reports SET scan_run_status = 13 WHERE id = 8;
greenbone-community-edition-gvmd-1                 | md manage:WARNING:2023-09-13 23h31.52 UTC:539: sql_exec_internal: PQexec failed: ERROR:  invalid input syntax for type integer: ""
greenbone-community-edition-gvmd-1                 | LINE 1: ... 'general/tcp' and severity = '-3.0'    and qod = '' and pat...
greenbone-community-edition-gvmd-1                 |                                                              ^
greenbone-community-edition-gvmd-1                 |  (7)
greenbone-community-edition-gvmd-1                 | md manage:WARNING:2023-09-13 23h31.52 UTC:539: sql_exec_internal: SQL: SELECT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM results   WHERE report = 8 and hash_value = 'c3c2d5eb1b61d7e66f47297f4c0ff207'    and host = '' and hostname = ''    and type = 'Error Message' and description = 'NVT timed out after 900 seconds.'    and port = 'general/tcp' and severity = '-3.0'    and qod = '' and path = '' );
greenbone-community-edition-gvmd-1                 | md manage:WARNING:2023-09-13 23h31.52 UTC:539: sql_x: sql_exec_internal failed
greenbone-community-edition-gvmd-1                 | md manage:WARNING:2023-09-13 23h31.52 UTC:539: manage_cleanup_process_error: Error exit, setting running task to Interrupted
greenbone-community-edition-gvmd-1                 | md manage:WARNING:2023-09-13 23h31.52 UTC:539: sql_exec_internal: PQexec failed: ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
greenbone-community-edition-gvmd-1                 |  (7)
greenbone-community-edition-gvmd-1                 | md manage:WARNING:2023-09-13 23h31.52 UTC:539: sql_exec_internal: SQL: UPDATE reports SET scan_run_status = 13 WHERE id = 8;
greenbone-community-edition-gvmd-1                 | md manage:WARNING:2023-09-13 23h31.52 UTC:539: sqlv: sql_exec_internal failed

I’ve tried to line this up with any known-issues in github but can’t locate anything that sounds like this.

Any idea’s on what might be the cause here, or what I can do next to do some troubleshooting on my side?

Just trawling through patch notes, it looks like this might be related to the issue resolved in gvmd 22.5.5 in this commit:

Doing an update now and will come back with the results.


That appears to have resolved the issue.
Crisis-averted :upside_down_face: