Scan multiple app into VM

Hi everyone,

I have OpenVAS installed on a VM and would like to scan the ports of some web applications running on another VM. Both VMs are operating within the same network.

  1. Is it possible to perform the scan remotely, or do I need to be on the same VM as the web application?
  2. If remote scanning is possible, how can I proceed?

Thank you!

Hi djodji, welcome to the Greenbone forum,

  1. Is it possible to perform the scan remotely, or do I need to be on the same VM as the web application?

You can scan the web application remotely from the VM with Greenbone. Greenbone is a remote vulnerability scanner. The scanner does not need to be installed on the same computer to scan the network attack surface of those web applications. However, Greenbone is not a specialized web application scanner such as OWASP ZAP.

Also, both VMs need to have been assigned IP addresses on the same network and be able to reach each other. You can verify by using ping from the scanner VM to ensure it can reach the target VM.


Hi Rippled,

Thank you rippled