Scan Interupted at 0% (Kali) - Redis error not possible to set GVM._globaldbindex Error

Greenbone Security Assistant Version 21.4.3

Hello I am running into an issue with my GVM instance. Everytime I go to run a scan now it gives me the following error:

OSPD[10473] 2022-09-12 15:49:38,902: INFO: (ospd.ospd) 3f0637ad-d7c0-4268-9e26-0cbdfe6cdb2c: Host scan got interrupted. Progress: 0, Status: RUNNING
OSPD[10473] 2022-09-12 15:49:38,902: INFO: (ospd.ospd) 3f0637ad-d7c0-4268-9e26-0cbdfe6cdb2c: Scan interrupted.
OSPD[10473] 2022-09-12 15:49:42,289: INFO: (ospd.ospd) 3f0637ad-d7c0-4268-9e26-0cbdfe6cdb2c: Scan process is dead and its progress is 0
OSPD[10473] 2022-09-12 15:49:42,292: INFO: (ospd.ospd) 3f0637ad-d7c0-4268-9e26-0cbdfe6cdb2c: Scan interrupted.
OSPD[10473] 2022-09-12 15:49:42,297: INFO: (ospd.ospd) 3f0637ad-d7c0-4268-9e26-0cbdfe6cdb2c: Scan process is dead and its progress is 0
OSPD[10473] 2022-09-12 15:49:42,298: INFO: (ospd.ospd) 3f0637ad-d7c0-4268-9e26-0cbdfe6cdb2c: Scan interrupted.
OSPD[10473] 2022-09-12 15:49:42,338: INFO: (ospd.ospd) 3f0637ad-d7c0-4268-9e26-0cbdfe6cdb2c: Scan process is dead and its progress is 0
OSPD[10473] 2022-09-12 15:49:42,338: INFO: (ospd.ospd) 3f0637ad-d7c0-4268-9e26-0cbdfe6cdb2c: Scan interrupted.
OSPD[10473] 2022-09-12 15:49:42,369: INFO: (ospd.ospd) 3f0637ad-d7c0-4268-9e26-0cbdfe6cdb2c: Scan process is dead and its progress is 0
OSPD[10473] 2022-09-12 15:49:42,369: INFO: (ospd.ospd) 3f0637ad-d7c0-4268-9e26-0cbdfe6cdb2c: Scan interrupted.
OSPD[10473] 2022-09-12 15:54:27,115: INFO: (ospd.main) Shutting-down server ...
OSPD[16440] 2022-09-12 16:00:19,013: INFO: (ospd.main) Starting OSPd OpenVAS version 21.4.5.dev1.
OSPD[16440] 2022-09-12 16:03:33,109: INFO: (ospd.main) Shutting-down server ...
OSPD[17469] 2022-09-12 16:06:36,030: INFO: (ospd.main) Starting OSPd OpenVAS version 21.4.5.dev1.
OSPD[17469] 2022-09-12 16:08:44,427: INFO: (ospd.command.command) Scan a656f814-fb9d-47aa-8f0b-e16495bb459e added to the queue in position 1.
OSPD[17469] 2022-09-12 16:08:54,429: INFO: (ospd.ospd) Currently 1 queued scans.
OSPD[17469] 2022-09-12 16:08:54,494: INFO: (ospd.ospd) Starting scan a656f814-fb9d-47aa-8f0b-e16495bb459e.
OSPD[17469] 2022-09-12 16:08:54,498: ERROR: (ospd.ospd) a656f814-fb9d-47aa-8f0b-e16495bb459e: Exception Redis Error: Not possible to set GVM.__GlobalDBIndex. while scanning
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/ospd/", line 522, in start_scan
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/ospd_openvas/", line 1242, in exec_scan
    kbdb = self.main_db.get_new_kb_database()
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/ospd_openvas/", line 620, in get_new_kb_database
    if self.try_database(index):
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/ospd_openvas/", line 611, in try_database
    raise OspdOpenvasError(
ospd_openvas.errors.OspdOpenvasError: Redis Error: Not possible to set GVM.__GlobalDBIndex.
OSPD[17469] 2022-09-12 16:08:54,501: INFO: (ospd.ospd) a656f814-fb9d-47aa-8f0b-e16495bb459e: Host scan got interrupted. Progress: 0, Status: RUNNING
OSPD[17469] 2022-09-12 16:08:54,501: INFO: (ospd.ospd) a656f814-fb9d-47aa-8f0b-e16495bb459e: Scan interrupted.
OSPD[17469] 2022-09-12 16:08:54,515: INFO: (ospd.ospd) a656f814-fb9d-47aa-8f0b-e16495bb459e: Scan process is dead and its progress is 0
OSPD[17469] 2022-09-12 16:08:54,515: INFO: (ospd.ospd) a656f814-fb9d-47aa-8f0b-e16495bb459e: Scan interrupted.
OSPD[17469] 2022-09-12 16:08:54,535: INFO: (ospd.ospd) a656f814-fb9d-47aa-8f0b-e16495bb459e: Scan process is dead and its progress is 0
OSPD[17469] 2022-09-12 16:08:54,535: INFO: (ospd.ospd) a656f814-fb9d-47aa-8f0b-e16495bb459e: Scan interrupted.

I have looked around on the forum and elsewhere and nothing has been able to fix the problem. This is a new issue as i was able to run a scan a couple of days ago and it worked fine. The redis server is running I checked via systemctl. When I connect to the redis-server.sock I do not have any keys in the GVM._globaldbindex.

└─# redis-cli -s /var/run/redis-openvas/redis-server.sock
redis /var/run/redis-openvas/redis-server.sock> Select 0
redis /var/run/redis-openvas/redis-server.sock> Keys *
1) "GVM.__GlobalDBIndex"
redis /var/run/redis-openvas/redis-server.sock> HGETALL GVM._GlobalDBIndex
(empty array)
redis /var/run/redis-openvas/redis-server.sock> 

If anyone has any advice on how to correct this issue please let me know.

@Deusolim try syncing the feed. if that is not fixing the issue then reinstall packages?


Just wanted to update I tried syncing the feed and updating the feed. That feedback led me down another rabbit hole which eventually ended up with due to a kernel corruption the disk can not be read correctly. Meaning no new data ase can be opened synced or written thus I basically had to redo all of Kali.

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Any solutions/advise to the above error?

A hint was given previously Scan Interupted at 0% (Kali) - Redis error not possible to set GVM._globaldbindex Error - #3 by Deusolim which is that there could be some disk corruptions not allowing to read from the disk.

No space left on the device could be another reason (just a guess because disk problems have been mentioned previously as a possible reason).


I ran into the same thing, but I found that this was happening because I did not wait for the feeds to complete first. One the feeds finished syncing it was fine

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