Report outdated / end-of-life Scan Engine / Environment (local) GVM libs version 21.4.1

Hello Guys,

I need your help to upgrade the gvm-libs version from 21.4.1 to 21.4.3
I did a security scan today and I found that the scan engine is out of life.

Could you please help me with this case?

Below are my OpenVAS environment details for your reference,

GVM versions

gsad: 21.4.1~dev1
gvmd: Greenbone Vulnerability Manager 21.4.2 Manager DB revision 242
openvas-scanner: OpenVAS 21.4.1
gvm-libs: gvm-libs 21.4.1


Operating system: Parrot OS 5.0 (LTS)
Kernel: Linux openvas 5.14.0-2parrot1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.14.6-2parrot1 (2021-09-25) x86_64 GNU/Linux
Installation method / source:

Thank you in advance,
Ravi Choksi


today I successfully updated from 21.4.1 to 21.4.3 aswell.

Basically for every update the steps are the same ones as the ones which you used for the initial setup.

Just make sure to read all of the release notes for the components and do needed modifications if there are some “breaking changes” in the corresponding update.

Best regards

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