Report Generation failing

And now for my weekly GVM question. I deployed gvm10 under sqlite3 and over a week or so performance slowly deteriorated as scans were run and reports were imported from our old system. . I then ran the script to convert to postgres, which per the script, did run successfully. TBH though, I’m not sure if the newer database is being used. Is there a clear way to tell?

The larger problem I have today is that reports can not longer be generated by generating a PDF or scheduling an alert. We just get a timeout similar to.

A timeout for the request to url occurred.

I’m guessing the SQL Server is swamping? Any ideas on where to look on this one? the various log files aren’t showing much.

GVM versions

gsa: (‘gsad --version’) 8.01
gvm: (‘gvmd --version’) 8.01
openvas-scanner: (‘openvassd --version’) 6.01
gvm-libs: 1.5.32


Operating system: Ubuntu 18.04
Kernel: (‘uname -a’) 4.15.0…65
Installation method / source: source

Did you re-compile your GVM with the correct PSQL libraries ? If not please do so.

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If you build from source you can check the gvmd symlink in your sbin directory. It links to the binary used for the database backend e.g. gvmd-pg.

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This seems to be sorted now. Thanks for the input gentlemen!

Hi @jamesber, how did you fix this issue? I also get the same errors. I am using docker container from securecompliance/gvm image.

It’s a while back, but I failed to follow the instructions for postgre install. Your milage may vary dependiong on whetehr this is a new install or a migraton.

These lniks may help:

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