Overridden CVSS score not displayed in report

The new CVSS score set by an override rule is not displayed in the report.

I’m parsing this over the API and without the new score there is no other alternative but to do static mappings for the severity levels High, Medium, Low.

Not a big deal and the override note is good, just wondering if it was accidentally left out or if there’s a reason it’s not included?

Thanks for a great product and all support on this forum.

Port Summary for Host x.x.x.x

Service (Port)          Threat Level
443/tcp                 High (CVSS: 7.5)
general/tcp             Low (CVSS: 2.6)
135/tcp                 Low (CVSS: 2.3)

Security Issues for Host x.x.x.x

NVT:    SSL/TLS: Report Vulnerable Cipher Suites for HTTPS
Threat: High (CVSS: 7.5)
Port:   443/tcp

NVT:    Diffie-Hellman Ephemeral Key Exchange DoS Vulnerability (SSL/TLS, D(HE)ater)
Threat: Medium (Overridden from High) <-- !
Port:   443/tcp


Hi, I suppose you need to the the apply_overrides filter parameter to 1.

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Hi Bricks and thanks for answering.

It was actually when setting apply_overrides=1 I got the error that CVSS could not be set. Where having it set to 0 will simply ignore all overrides and not display anything about them in the exported report.