Openvasd source build docs correction

The community docs section for source building Openvasd on Debian flavours is incorrect.

The issue seems to relate to recent Openvasd source versions having a slightly changed file path structure. The published build instructions have not yet been updated to reflect this change (around Nov 2024) , which in turn causes new Openvasd builds to fail.

The below works with Debain 12…

tar -C $SOURCE_DIR -xvzf $SOURCE_DIR/openvas-scanner-$OPENVAS_DAEMON.tar.gz
mkdir -p $INSTALL_DIR/openvasd/usr/local/bin
cd $SOURCE_DIR/openvas-scanner-$OPENVAS_DAEMON/rust/src/openvasd
cargo build --release
sudo cp -v ../target/release/openvasd $INSTALL_DIR/openvasd/usr/local/bin/
cd $SOURCE_DIR/openvas-scanner-$OPENVAS_DAEMON/rust/src/scannerctl
cargo build --release

sudo cp -v ../../target/release/openvasd $INSTALL_DIR/openvasd/usr/local/bin/
sudo cp -v ../../target/release/scannerctl $INSTALL_DIR/openvasd/usr/local/bin/
sudo cp -rv $INSTALL_DIR/openvasd/* /

Openvasd source is now found in the paths /rust/src/openvasd and /rust/src/scannerctl. This change impacts the assumed current working directory and subsequent location to copy newly built binaries from. The updated sudo cp -v commands needs ../.. to correctly step back 2 directory levels to copy the new binaries.

Any suggestions (or similar) for the community documentation would be better placed directly into the relevant GitHub repository of the documentation linked below. Rationale is that the chances are high that it won’t get noticed when positing here (keep in mind this is a user based support forums with a few developers looking into it on a volunteer basis).

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