OpenVAS what version and how to install

Good day,

I have used OpenVAS a few years ago and looking to use again for a small company, I have done some investigation and think maybe the OpenVAS Community version may be my best option.

I want to install locally on Linux/Ubuntu but cant see where to download from or steps on how to install, I have only worked with Linux a bit and don’t want to build from source if possible.

What would be the recommened way to go?


Hello julianhaines, and welcome (again?) to the Greenbone Community Forum.

I can recommend using the Community Containers 22.4, the latest version. You could use 21.4 too, but that version is currently Retired and will reach End of Life in a few months. Personally, I can only tell you good things about using containers instead of building from source.

Here you can find the Official Documentation on how to set up the Community Containers.

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