Here’s the problem. I am currently using a mac to run OpenVAS therefore ı used a docker image to run it. Everything worked fine until ı decided to update the feedstatus. After the update whenever I try to access 443. It mentions about a security error. Which prevent me to access it. I tried the exceptions method to overrule security protocols of my browser but yet this time it mentions about a connection error.
Please note only Linux is supported as Operating-System to run GVM.
I don´t understand what you mean with Port 443 ?
The Feed-Update is using different ports.
And MacOS has a firewall that could ruin all your scan results.
ProTIP: Install LInux and the official docker container and try again from your client using Firefox or Chrome.
I think this is not related to the feed-sync at at all. Firefox on MacOS, is somehow seems to cache HTTPS or HTTP and seems to not release that history cache. You can try to clear the browser / site cache / cookies / data and try again. Otherwise try different browser / Chrome. Also, check that your browser security settings are allow self-signed certificates.
Hi Lukas the problem is I can run the greenbone on my mac through the use of docker images however after ı updated the feedstatus subjects such as NTVS, ı was not able to access the docker image. The think it is something to do with the ports as when ı checked logs and etc. everything is working correctly. I have already handled the macos firewall so my scan results were okey but this problem came out of nowhere. I tried to clean cookies and manage exceptions method(adding the site to exceptions so firefox won’t deal with it)
Also, TLS / port 443 is not enabled for the containers by default, it uses HTTP port 80.
Did you enable TLS on the containers? Otherwise, you should use http://
I don´t think your can run a scan on Darwin, even with Docker GVM needs a Linux kernel and raw access and that is different on Darwin as on Linux. Anyway it´s complete untested and unsupported.
If you need to run it on your mac install a VM and a Linux-System with a Linux-Kernel and run docker there.
If all you have is a macOS device, you can try Greenbone Cloud Service (GCS) and the GCS manual, or the Enterprise Trial VM and docs for Enterprise Trial VM.
Otherwise, you can use a cloud Kali VPS available from Linode to install Greenbone, but it’s more expensive - like $40-$50 per month.
I am currently using desktop-Linux inside of my container if that is what you are saying. Or are you trying to say that ı should just download kali-linux as a second OP to my mac. And I did not enabled TLS on containers so ı tried the http:// but still resulted the same
I think what Lukas is saying is that there are many known issues with Docker on MacOS, as officially documented here. Otherwise, yes, using a VirtualBox VM Kali Linux, cloud VPS, or other suggestions above are available.