Openvas API support

Hi, I’m currently reporting vulnerabilities in the network using the Nessus API, but I also want to do this using Greenbone OpenVAS. I couldn’t find any API within OpenVAS content, but there seem to be examples of doing this. How can I achieve this, and it would be great if I could do it with RestAPI.

Hello and welcome to the Greenbone community forum. You can currently use the python-gvm API to interact with gvmd via the GMP protocol and openvas-scanner via the OSP protocol.

There is a new HTTP RestFul API in the works which will allow interaction with openvas-scanner. The component, named scanner-api can be found here but as far as I know, it has not been deployed yet. I guess in the upcoming months it will be officially released.

There is also a new Rust component to interact with OSP over raw socket.
