NVT Synchronization issue

Hello Everyone,

This is my first post in the community.

This morning, I opened the OpenVAS Web UI and noticed I was unable to run any tasks. Upon checking the Feed Status, I saw an error indicating a synchronization issue with the NVT feed.

The error message reads:
Synchronization issue: Could not connect to scanner to get feed info.

To troubleshoot, I started updating the feeds. While the feeds are updating, the NVTs are not being updated. See the screenshot below for reference:

Is anyone encountering this issue?
Any suggestions on how to resolve it would be greatly appreciated!



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Same problem here. Anyone have any ideas on how to resolve?


Please check if your scanner is running or killed by OOM or the process crashed.


During troubleshooting, I found that the /run/ospd/ospd-openvas.sock file was missing, and a feed-update.lock file was in its place.

To resolve, I removed the feed-update.lock file and re-pulled all OpenVAS containers, ensuring that I did not remove any volumes. This preserved the database records and previous scan data, and restored the ospd-openvas.sock file.

Afterward, I updated the feed, and the update completed successfully.

For safety, I recommend making a backup or taking a snapshot of the VM before performing similar actions.