Not able to get vmware scan working


I hope anyone with experience with VMware scanning with OpenVAS is willing to point me in the right direction.

I have added an ESXi host and added the root@host credential in the target.

I use full and fast scan and all IANA tcp and udp port list.

I see it detects vmware auth daemon on port 902/TCP


The remote host appears to be running VMware ESX or GSX Server. Description : According to its banner, the remote host appears to be running a VMWare server authentication daemon, which likely indicates the remote host is running VMware ESX or GSX Server.

Detection Result

A VMware Authentication Daemon in Version: 1.10 is running on this port

Detection Method

Details: [VMware ESX/GSX Server detection OID:]
Version used: 2023-08-01T13:29:10Z

However it is not running any VMware related NVT’s.

Anyone an idea?

I have similar to but it does not logon with my esxi creds. I can manually log on with them using web or ssh.

Could it be that my scanner is outdated and therefor functionality is not working as expected? I use ```

Anyone an idea?

Never mind it seems that OpenVAS CE can not scan VMware anymore. I use Tenable Essentials for that now.

To clarify: