NoResult scaner on my sites, but OK on

GVM versions, all from source



**Operating system:20.04.4 LTS Ubuntu
**Kernel: 5.4.0-109-generic

After installing and updating the data, the scan returns empty reports.
If you scan the local address - All OK
If you scan the target address (white static office IP or my home IP), the result is empty.
To check, scanned - All OK.
Mistakes in logs not found.

Hello and welcome to this community portal.

There is a large FAQ chapter with various pointers available in the documentation available here, some of these points should also apply for your case:

  • [10.13.1 Hosts not Found]
    “Consider Alive” - with this parameter (as well as everyone else) is also empty.
    if you check nmap, it sees open ports

Without knowing the exact details of your network environment i would guess that there is some kind of network setup issue involved here which doesn’t allow the scanner host to reach the target (e.g. different not routed subnets or similar).

A day passed, everything worked itself. Hmmm.
Close the discussion, I don’t understand what was wrong. all updates were completed the day before.