No results after running scan

Hi all,
I know this question might have been in other topics, however I couldn’t find a solution. I’m running latest version of GCE VM on VirtualBox with network Bridge Adapter. I followed your guide.

The scan starts but it finishes pretty quick without providing any results or feedback:

It states No hosts available.
Using the command line, I can see gvm processes running:
Screenshot from 2019-12-13 09-00-21
From the above picture, Reloading NVTs and OSP: Updating NVT cache looks intriguing, however it is something that appears to run every x seconds.

I can confirm the feed update has successfully completed and I can see NVTs, CVEs, CPEs, etc from the SecInfo tab.

My About information:

Screenshot from 2019-12-13 09-14-29

One thing that I’m missing is checking the logs. Can someone provide the location of the logs viaa command line?

I tried 2 different networks (work network which contains firewalls and home network).

I also created a new target with the configuration Alive Test: Consider alive.

What else do you guys suggest me to do?

Thank you for your time.

First thing I’d do is change the filter in your first picture to
levels=hmlgf min_qod=0
this should show you the two hosts in the host tab, that are currently filtered out.

Secondly check the live logs in the command line via
journalctl -f
Try scanning localhost just to make sure the GSM is ready to scan. Then try nmap the target from the shell to make sure it can be reached.


Hi Tino. Thank you.
Will try that and provide feedback asap.

@Tino I got some logs from scanning localhost. It finished successfully.

Initial part of scan:

Dec 13 10:10:09 gsm gvmd[26619]: Target Target for immediate scan of IP localhost - 2019-12-13 10:10:09 (b0bbe82d-ffee-4f8a-a15b-e7d713c920cf) has been created by digivante
Dec 13 10:10:09 gsm gvmd[26619]: Status of task (13e7aa99-109d-4028-99b1-71bd172e1e89) has changed to New
Dec 13 10:10:09 gsm gvmd[26619]: Task Immediate scan of IP localhost (13e7aa99-109d-4028-99b1-71bd172e1e89) has been created by digivante
Dec 13 10:10:09 gsm gvmd[26619]: Status of task Immediate scan of IP localhost (13e7aa99-109d-4028-99b1-71bd172e1e89) has changed to Requested
Dec 13 10:10:09 gsm gvmd[26619]: Task Immediate scan of IP localhost (13e7aa99-109d-4028-99b1-71bd172e1e89) has been requested to start by digivante
Dec 13 10:10:09 gsm gvmd[26619]: Wizard quick_first_scan has been run by digivante
Dec 13 10:10:22 gsm ospd-openvas[26696]: OSPD - openvas: INFO: (ospd.ospd) 29a78007-6b3b-4cae-a1c7-95aa476e73ab: Scan started.
Dec 13 10:10:22 gsm gvmd[26630]: Status of task Immediate scan of IP localhost (13e7aa99-109d-4028-99b1-71bd172e1e89) has changed to Running
Dec 13 10:10:22 gsm sudo[26703]: ospd : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/sbin/openvas --scan-start b4bc1668-1196-444e-af1b-ac044a1fc2e4
Dec 13 10:10:22 gsm sudo[26703]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
Dec 13 10:10:22 gsm openvas[26704]: openvas 7.0.0 started

Then I got a lot of these:

Dec 13 10:10:24 gsm openvas[26704]: There was a problem trying to load gsf/Policy/WindowsGeneral/MSSecurityGuide/win_sg_wdigest_authentication.nasl, a dependency of SYS.2.2.3.A11. This may be due to a parse error, or it failed to find the dependency. Please check the path to the file.
Dec 13 10:10:24 gsm openvas[26704]: There was a problem trying to load gsf/Policy/WindowsGeneral/System/win_vbs_credential_guard.nasl, a dependency of SYS.2.2.3.A11. This may be due to a parse error, or it failed to find the dependency. Please check the path to the file.
Dec 13 10:10:24 gsm openvas[26704]: There was a problem trying to load gsf/Policy/WindowsGeneral/UserAccountControl/win_uac_behavior_elevation_prompt_users.nasl, a dependency of SYS.2.2.2.A7. This may be due to a parse error, or it failed to find the dependency. Please check the path to the file.
Dec 13 10:10:24 gsm openvas[26704]: There was a problem trying to load gsf/Policy/WindowsGeneral/UserAccountControl/win_uac_behaviour_elevation_prompt_admin.nasl, a dependency of SYS.2.2.2.A7. This may be due to a parse error, or it failed to find the dependency. Please check the path to the file.
Dec 13 10:10:24 gsm openvas[26704]: There was a problem trying to load gsf/Policy/WindowsGeneral/UserAccountControl/win_uac_admin_approval_mode.nasl, a dependency of SYS.2.2.2.A7. This may be due to a parse error, or it failed to find the dependency. Please check the path to the file.
Dec 13 10:10:24 gsm openvas[26704]: There was a problem trying to load gsf/Policy/WindowsGeneral/UserAccountControl/win_uac_all_admins_approval_mode.nasl, a dependency of SYS.2.2.2.A7. This may be due to a parse error, or it failed to find the dependency. Please check the path to the file.
Dec 13 10:10:24 gsm openvas[26704]: There was a problem trying to load gsf/Policy/WindowsGeneral/UserAccountControl/win_uac_sec_desktop_when_prompt.nasl, a dependency of SYS.2.2.2.A7. This may be due to a parse error, or it failed to find the dependency. Please check the path to the file.
Dec 13 10:10:24 gsm openvas[26704]: There was a problem trying to load gsf/Policy/WindowsDefenderAV/defav_turn_off_defender.nasl, a dependency of SYS.2.2.2.A5. This may be due to a parse error, or it failed to find the dependency. Please check the path to the file.
Dec 13 10:10:24 gsm openvas[26704]: There was a problem trying to load gsf/Policy/WindowsDefenderAV/defav_turn_off_defender.nasl, a dependency of SYS.2.2.2.A6. This may be due to a parse error, or it failed to find the dependency. Please check the path to the file.

Then the scan started:

Dec 13 10:10:26 gsm openvas[26704]: Starts a new scan. Target(s) : localhost, with max_hosts = 30 and max_checks = 10
Dec 13 10:10:26 gsm openvas[26715]: Testing (Vhosts: localhost) [26715]
Dec 13 10:10:31 gsm sshd[26788]: Bad protocol version identification ‘\026\003\001’ from port 44047
Dec 13 10:10:31 gsm sshd[26790]: Bad protocol version identification ‘GET / HTTP/1.0’ from port 40755
Dec 13 10:11:52 gsm sshd[27281]: Did not receive identification string from port 40339
Dec 13 10:11:52 gsm sshd[27282]: Invalid user GBN-VT from port 57857
Dec 13 10:11:52 gsm sshd[27282]: input_userauth_request: invalid user GBN-VT [preauth]
Dec 13 10:11:52 gsm sshd[27282]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): check pass; user unknown
Dec 13 10:11:52 gsm sshd[27282]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost=
Dec 13 10:11:55 gsm sshd[27282]: Failed password for invalid user GBN-VT from port 57857 ssh2
Dec 13 10:11:55 gsm sshd[27282]: Received disconnect from port 57857:11: Bye Bye [preauth]
Dec 13 10:11:55 gsm sshd[27282]: Disconnected from port 57857 [preauth]
Dec 13 10:12:11 gsm sshd[27425]: Bad protocol version identification ‘\026\003\001\003\241\001’ from port 49973
Dec 13 10:12:11 gsm sshd[27426]: Bad protocol version identification ‘\026\003\002\003\241\001’ from port 46075
Dec 13 10:12:11 gsm sshd[27427]: Bad protocol version identification ‘\026\003\003\003\307\001’ from port 59395
Dec 13 10:12:13 gsm sshd[27428]: Did not receive identification string from port 52169
Dec 13 10:12:13 gsm sshd[27467]: Bad protocol version identification ‘\026\003’ from port 41571
Dec 13 10:12:33 gsm sshd[31348]: Connection closed by port 47921 [preauth]
Dec 13 10:12:33 gsm sshd[31359]: Protocol major versions differ for port 59677: SSH-2.0-Greenbone_7.4p2gb Greenbone OS 6.0 vs. SSH-0.12-GBN-VTSSH_1.0
Dec 13 10:12:33 gsm sshd[31362]: Protocol major versions differ for port 54311: SSH-2.0-Greenbone_7.4p2gb Greenbone OS 6.0 vs. SSH-1.33-GBN-VTSSH_1.0
Dec 13 10:12:33 gsm sshd[31366]: Protocol major versions differ for port 37049: SSH-2.0-Greenbone_7.4p2gb Greenbone OS 6.0 vs. SSH-1.5-GBN-VTSSH_1.0
Dec 13 10:12:33 gsm sshd[31369]: Connection closed by port 40741 [preauth]
Dec 13 10:12:33 gsm sshd[31373]: Connection closed by port 48429 [preauth]
Dec 13 10:12:33 gsm sshd[31378]: User root from not allowed because none of user’s groups are listed in AllowGroups
Dec 13 10:12:33 gsm sshd[31378]: input_userauth_request: invalid user root [preauth]
Dec 13 10:12:33 gsm sshd[31378]: Received disconnect from port 47325:11: Bye Bye [preauth]
Dec 13 10:12:33 gsm sshd[31378]: Disconnected from port 47325 [preauth]

Then I got this kind of pattern:

pam_unix(sshd:auth): check pass; user unknown
Dec 13 10:13:16 gsm sshd[8127]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost=
Dec 13 10:13:16 gsm sshd[7800]: Failed password for invalid user htinit from port 60371 ssh2
Dec 13 10:13:16 gsm sshd[7800]: Received disconnect from port 60371:11: Bye Bye [preauth]
Dec 13 10:13:16 gsm sshd[7800]: Disconnected from port 60371 [preauth]
Dec 13 10:13:16 gsm sshd[7801]: Failed password for invalid user db2fenc1 from port 57171 ssh2
Dec 13 10:13:16 gsm sshd[7801]: Received disconnect from port 57171:11: Bye Bye [preauth]
Dec 13 10:13:16 gsm sshd[7801]: Disconnected from port 57171 [preauth]
Dec 13 10:13:16 gsm sshd[8245]: Invalid user db2fenc1 from port 59021
Dec 13 10:13:16 gsm sshd[8245]: input_userauth_request: invalid user db2fenc1 [preauth]

The scanner finished successfully and found vulnerabilities.

Here’s the output from nmap the respective target I want to scan:

Starting Nmap 7.40 ( ) at 2019-12-13 10:18 UTC
Nmap scan report for my host (my host ip)
Host is up (0.029s latency).
rDNS record for [my host ip]: ec2-[my host ip]
Not shown: 969 filtered ports, 28 closed ports
22/tcp open ssh
80/tcp open http
443/tcp open https

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 4.18 seconds

Tried scanning the target I want:

(same errors I described above for the missing nasls)

Dec 13 10:35:27 gsm openvas[15813]: Starts a new scan. Target(s) : (my host), with max_hosts = 30 and max_checks = 10
Dec 13 10:35:28 gsm openvas[15825]: Testing (my host) (Vhosts: ec2-(my host), (my host)) [15825]
Dec 13 10:35:30 gsm openvas[15825]: The remote host (my host) is dead
Dec 13 10:35:30 gsm openvas[15825]: Finished testing (my host). Time : 2.19 secs
Dec 13 10:35:30 gsm openvas[15813]: Test complete
Dec 13 10:35:30 gsm openvas[15813]: Total time to scan all hosts : 5 seconds

It finished quite fast and it is saying host is dead.

The “Further debugging / logging” part of the following thread around this topic should allow to enable some logging to see why your host is seen as dead:

1 Like

Thank you. Will try and provide feedback asap

It is only showing results from ping_host.nasl:


Detection Result

The remote host (my host) was considered as dead. Used/configured checks: Host is down (failed ARP/ICMP ping), Method: nmap nmap command: nmap --reason -sP -T3 --send-ip -PE (my host) Starting Nmap 7.40 ( ) at 2019-12-13 14:30 utc Note: Host seems down. If it is really up, but blocking our ping probes, try -Pn Nmap done: 1 IP address (0 hosts up) scanned in 2.07 seconds

Detection Method

Details: Ping Host OID:


Solution Type:

Name Default Value
Timeout default
nmap additional ports for -PA 137,587,3128,8081
nmap: try also with only -sP no
Log nmap output no
Log failed nmap calls no
nmap timing policy Normal
Do a TCP ping no
TCP ping tries also TCP-SYN ping no
Do an ICMP ping yes
Use ARP no
Mark unrechable Hosts as dead (not scanning) yes
Report about unrechable Hosts no
TCP ping tries only TCP-SYN ping no
Use nmap yes
Report about reachable Hosts no

Is it even possible to disable host discovery and perform a port scan only?

So this is already providing you the info why the host is considered as dead:

The previously linked thread contains some additional information at “The targets are not answering to an ICMP Echo Request” on how to change the alive test method.