New installation on raspberry pi 4B 8 GB

My first installation on the raspberry pi was an succes. But I reinstall Kali and gvm on my pi because after an update I received 0% on a scan. But now I reinstall Kali and gvm and when I want to make a scan I receive Failed to find config ‘daba56c8-73ec-11df-a475-002264764cea’. I also follow this link:
But none of these are working.

Any help are appreciate.

  • List item

I don’t know what happen but it works again. I think my database was not up to date.

Again after an update with a scan I receive a message interrupt 0%.

[sudo] password for loek: 
mqtt_server_uri = localhost:1883
timeout_retry = 3
max_checks = 10
optimize_test = yes
auto_enable_dependencies = yes
checks_read_timeout = 5
time_between_request = 0
allow_simultaneous_ips = yes
non_simult_ports = 139, 445, 3389, Services/irc
drop_privileges = no
log_whole_attack = no
nasl_no_signature_check = yes
cgi_path = /cgi-bin:/scripts
max_hosts = 30
debug_tls = 0
open_sock_max_attempts = 5
config_file = /etc/openvas/openvas.conf
test_alive_wait_timeout = 3
vendor_version = 
safe_checks = yes
scanner_plugins_timeout = 36000
include_folders = /var/lib/openvas/plugins
plugins_timeout = 320
log_plugins_name_at_load = no
plugins_folder = /var/lib/openvas/plugins
unscanned_closed = yes
test_empty_vhost = no
report_host_details = yes
expand_vhosts = yes
test_alive_hosts_only = yes
db_address = /var/run/redis-openvas/redis-server.sock
unscanned_closed_udp = yes

type or paste code here

Oh i forget to read my last topic that I have to wait the updates are finish

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