New GVM source build script (with Ngix SSL) Debian 12 ok

July 2023:
Just sharing a new GVM source build script project on Github I’ve recently completed. Its tested and scanning well on Debian 11 / 12 & Ubuntu 22.x . All feedback and improvements welcome.

The script is largely a streamline of ONLY current info and steps supplied by Greenbone’s own source-build web pages (with a little debuging!) . There is also the optional automatic addition and config of an Nginx SSL (self signed) reverse proxy to provide a more mainstream means of SSL access.

I’ve noticed a lot of older scripts out there either no longer work or seem to introdcue a number of uncessary/legacy steps that may complicate things, so I’ve kept this as clean and to suggested defaults as possible whist also keeping each module’s dependency list separated for easier upgrades.

Link to GVM GitHub source build script here

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Hey, that’s pretty cool. Thanks, especially the Docker cheatsheet would be useful for people learning Docker.