Missing Report Formats (GSR PDF and GXR PDF)

Hi! I came from a company that was invested in Nessus, and now I am looking at Greenbone. I ran some scans and was able to generate some reports in various formats, but I see in the documentation these 2:

GSR PDF - Greenbone Security Report (recommended) This is the complete Greenbone Security report
with all vulnerabilities in graphical format as a PDF file. The topology graph is not included
when more than 100 hosts are covered in the report. The language is English.
GXR PDF - Greenbone Executive Report (recommended) This is a shortened report with all vulnerabilities
in graphical format as a PDF file for management. The topology graph is not included
when more than 100 hosts are covered in the report. The language of the report is in English.

but on my Greenbone VM, they don’t exist. I followed the advice from some other online documentation to go download it from the plugin repo/site (http://greenbone.net/technology/report_formats.html) . However, I get a 404 error when I attempt it.

Is there another location to get these report plugin?


~ Shaun

GSR and GXR are only part of the commercial offering from Greenbone and not part of the community edition.