I have an issue when I’m running a scan with more than 40 hosts, In this scenario, some of the target-hosts won’t appear neither in my csv report nor in my pdf report.
Iv’e checked the openvassd log and saw that they’re being scanned.
to create the target I’m using:
gvm-cli --gmp-username $MyUser --gmp-password $MyPass socket --socketpath $GVMD_SOCKET_PATH --xml “<create_target>Scan Hosts$hosts<alive_tests>Consider Alive</alive_tests></create_target>”
Last run I had 44 hosts and 8 were missing.
I’m using gvmd: tags/v8.0.0 (compiled from source)
and openvas: tags/v6.0.0 (compiled from source)
Any ideas why?
Thanks in advance.