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Greenbone imposes a default maximum limit of 4,096 hosts per target, enforced through the preprocessor constant MANAGE_MAX_HOSTS in the src/manage.h file. For the purposes of this assessment, accommodating larger target sets was necessary. To adjust this limit, the value of the constant was modified, and the code was recompiled. This direct alteration in the source code allowed for a tailored configuration that met the specific requirements of the network assessment.
To implement this modification:
Obtain the right release of the source code of gvmd:
The source code of gvmd was downloaded from GitHub
(The source code can be downloaded here: https://github.com/greenbone/gvmd/releases).
Modify the limit:
The MANAGE_MAX_HOSTS constant in the manage.h file was adjusted to the desired value.
File structure:
As shown in Listing 1 below, the file structure should look like this:
Listing 1: File structure of the project directory.
Update Docker Configuration:
The docker-compose.yml file was updated to use the modified version of gvmd by specifying the build context and Dockerfile, as shown in Listing 2:
Listing 2: Docker configuration referencing the modified gvmd build context.