Hi, while using the suggested community docker-compose file and adding the greenbone-feed-sync. I encountered some issues which occur because of how the compose file is made.
The manual update feed is using the /var/lib/openvas/feed-update.lock file which is missing from the greenbone-feed-sync container. I fixed that in my environment by replacing all volume mounts to file system mounts and not only to the plugin folder:
– /OpenVasDate/var/lib/openvas:/var/lib/openvas
Maybe it would also work to add just a temp bind for openvas folder (and create a feed-update.lock file in it) and leave the openvas/plugin volume as it is.
While testing my trial key I encountered a second issue encountered is that greenbone-feed-sync checks /etc/gvm/greencone-enterpise-feed-key if it exists (here you store your key).
In this container there is no such folder. I also fixed this with volume mount to /etc/gvm folder.
So maybe adding a new volume for /etc/gvm which would be added to ospd-openvas and greenbone-feed-sync ?
Also ssh client is missing in the docker container and you get “rsync: [Receiver] Failed to exec ssh: No such file or directory (2)”.
This is solved by installing a ssh-client