It was not possible to start the scan,because a pending feed update. Please try later

Hey, bricks
I encountered a new problem, when I use gvm-setup , I couldn’t get VTs update, and prompt shows below.

rsync: [Receiver] failed to connect to ( Connection refused (111)
rsync: [Receiver] failed to connect to (2a0e:6b40:20:106:20c:29ff:fe67:cbb5): Network is unreachable (101)
rsync error: error in socket IO (code 10) at clientserver.c(135) [Receiver=3.2.2]
And when using gvm-check-setupcommand, it shows like this.
gvm-check-setup 1.0.0
Test completeness and readiness of GVM-11
Step 1: Checking OpenVAS (Scanner)…
OK: OpenVAS Scanner is present in version 7.0.1.
OK: Server CA Certificate is present as /var/lib/gvm/CA/servercert.pem.
OK: redis-server is present.
OK: scanner (db_address setting) is configured properly using the redis-server socket: /var/run/redis-openvas/redis-server.sock
OK: redis-server is running and listening on socket: /var/run/redis-openvas/redis-server.sock.
OK: redis-server configuration is OK and redis-server is running.
ERROR: The NVT collection is very small.
FIX: Run the synchronization script greenbone-nvt-sync.
ERROR: Your GVM-11 installation is not yet complete!
Please follow the instructions marked with FIX above and run this
script again.

So, I tried greenbone-nvt-sync and greenbone-nvt-sync --rsync, It seems that nothing happened.

kali@kali:~/Desktop$ greenbone-nvt-sync --rsync
kali@kali:~/Desktop$ greenbone-nvt-sync

After that, nothing worked. I was really confused.
Could you please help me to solve it? Thanks a lot!

It looks that you have a firewall or connection issue to get RSYNC and the Internet to work. Please check your connectivity !

You might have some issues with legacy internet and NAT as well. So try connect to our server preferred without NAT and Firewall by IPv6.

Thanks, I’ve installed gvm, when using gvm-check-setup every row shows OK.

root@kali:/home/kali/Desktop# gvm-check-setup
gvm-check-setup 1.0.0
Test completeness and readiness of GVM-11
Step 1: Checking OpenVAS (Scanner)…
OK: OpenVAS Scanner is present in version 7.0.1.
OK: Server CA Certificate is present as /var/lib/gvm/CA/servercert.pem.
OK: redis-server is present.
OK: scanner (db_address setting) is configured properly using the redis-server socket: /var/run/redis-openvas/redis-server.sock
OK: redis-server is running and listening on socket: /var/run/redis-openvas/redis-server.sock.
OK: redis-server configuration is OK and redis-server is running.
OK: NVT collection in /var/lib/openvas/plugins contains 26583 NVTs.
OK: The redis database exists.
OK: OpenVAS Scanner is present in version 1.0.1.
Step 2: Checking GVMD Manager …
OK: GVM Manager (gvmd) is present in version 9.0.1.
Step 3: Checking Certificates …
OK: GVM client certificate is valid and present as /var/lib/gvm/CA/clientcert.pem.
OK: Your GVM certificate infrastructure passed validation.
Step 4: Checking data …
OK: SCAP data found in /var/lib/gvm/scap-data.
Step 5: Checking user …
OK: At least one user exists.
Step 6: Checking Greenbone Security Assistant (GSA) …
Oops, secure memory pool already initialized
OK: Greenbone Security Assistant is present in version 9.0.1.
Step 7: Checking if GVM services are up and running …
OK: gvmd service is active.
OK: ospd-openvas service is active.
OK: greenbone-security-assistant service is active.
Step 8: Checking GVM database …
OK: portnames are in database.
Step 9: Checking few other requirements…
OK: nmap is present in version 9.0.1.
OK: ssh-keygen found, LSC credential generation for GNU/Linux targets is likely to work.
WARNING: Could not find makensis binary, LSC credential package generation for Microsoft Windows targets will not work.
SUGGEST: Install nsis.
OK: xsltproc found.
WARNING: Your password policy is empty.
SUGGEST: Edit the /etc/gvm/pwpolicy.conf file to set a password policy.
It seems like your GVM-11 installation is OK.

Then I logged in the web page, I clicked scans-tasks-Task Wizard and input ‘’. Unfortunately, the Error information shows something maybe wrong.

The Error Message item shows like this.

Does it mean I download feed unsuccessfully? Why do gvm-check-setup say it’s OK? emmm

It means that the feed-sync is still running.

First of all the new feed data needs to be downloaded from the feed server. Afterwards the different components (gvmd, ospd-openvas and openvas) need to be aware of the feed changes. Therefore they must load the new feed data.

This process may take a while.

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Maybe this can help you.I changed to another aderesss so that solve this problem.

Thanks, I’ve checked the address. Ite seemed that Kali community has migrated from openvas to GVM as well as updated the address. By the way, where did you change the address?

You can modify the script greenbone-nvt-syncgreenbone-scap-sync and greenbone-cert-sync,and change the ip address to the old “” ,which the new is “”.
And the most important is that you can do ping before .


Deleting the lock file and running gvm feed update again will fix the issue. Successfully ran on Kali 2020