Issue with python-gvm compatibility and GMP 22.6

Hi everyone,

I’m facing an issue with Greenbone Community Edition on Ubuntu 24.04 (Noble).
I’m using this script to install Greenbone:
:point_right: Easy OpenVAS Installer

When I try to connect using a Python script with python-gvm, I get the following error:

gvm.errors.GvmError: Remote manager daemon uses an unsupported version of GMP. The GMP vers

However, my Greenbone components are up to date:

sudo -u gvm gvmd --version
Greenbone Vulnerability Manager 24.3.4
Manager DB revision 256

python3 -c “import gvm; print(gvm.version)”

lsb_release -a
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS
Release: 24.04
Codename: noble

I’ve also checked the installed Python packages:

pip list | grep -i gvm
gvm-tools 25.1.1
python-gvm 25.1.1

And my scanners:

sudo -u gvm gvmd --get-scanners
08b69003-5fc2-4037-a479-93b440211c73 OpenVAS /run/ospd/ospd-openvas.sock 0 OpenVAS Default
6acd0832-df90-11e4-b9d5-28d24461215b CVE 0 CVE

What I’ve tried so far

  • Confirmed Python-GVM version: I’m using python-gvm 25.1.1, which should support GMP 22.6.
  • Checked gvmd.sock exists: But the error still occurs when my Python script tries to connect.
  • Restarted all services: systemctl restart gvmd gsad ospd-openvas redis-server@openvas.service
  • Reinstalled Python-GVM with pip install --force-reinstall python-gvm
  • Checked library links: ldd $(which gvmd) | grep gvm shows correct GMP libraries.


  • Is there an issue with python-gvm compatibility with GMP 22.6 in Ubuntu 24.04?
  • Has anyone else encountered this after using the Easy OpenVAS Installer script?
  • Could this be a socket permission issue, or does gvmd need additional configurations

Hello zappe, and welcome to the Greenbone community!

python-gvm still needs some adjustments for GMP 22.6, indeed. Please keep an eye out for a new release on GitHub - greenbone/python-gvm: Greenbone Vulnerability Management Python Library soon.


Thank you for the clarification, Martin.

I appreciate the update regarding python-gvm requiring adjustments for GMP 22.6. I’ll keep an eye on the GitHub repository for the next release. Looking forward to the fix!

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I’ve just released python-gvm 26.0.0 which supports the new GMP version 22.6 now.