Installing greenbone on fedora38

I am trying to install greenbone on fedora38. I am getting the following error

[root@fedora admin]# openvas-setup

GVM Setup, Version: 6.1.0
Atomicorp, Inc.

cannot access /var/lib/alternatives/python: No such file or directory
/proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn = 1024
/proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory = 1

Update NVT, CERT, and SCAP data
Please note this step could take some time.
Once completed, this will be updated automatically every 24 hours

Updating NVTs…
rsync: [Receiver] failed to connect to (2a0e:6b40:20:106:20c:29ff:fe7f:d2ae): Network is unreachable (101)
rsync: [Receiver] failed to connect to ( Connection refused (111)
rsync error: error in socket IO (code 10) at clientserver.c(138) [Receiver=3.2.6]
Retrying in 60 seconds…

The native Linux package and associated setup and feed-sync commands are not provided directly from Greenbone. They are provided by the Linux package maintainers themselves. As far as I know, Fedora38 packages are not actively being maintained. You should contact the maintainers at Fedora or open a bug track or ask in the Fedora community forum.

In this case this looks like a networking / connectivity issue (e.g. Firewall blocking rsync, …). Please check existing threads about the same message for more information.