Incorrect permission on /var/log/gvm/gvmd.log?

I am on the last few steps of building the current version on a freshly installed Debian 12 (12.7 from last week to be exact)

When I’m told to peek into gvmd.log I can’t because the permissions seem to be wrong. Or are they? gvmd.log is set to 600 while every other log file in /var/log/gvm is set to 644. Should I amend the permissions on gvmd.log or should I use sudo to look into the log file? What do you recommend?

Hello @aaa!

From what I see, you either would use sudo for chmod to “fix” that files permission or to take a look into it once with cat or less or whatsoever …
When expecting to regularly look into that file in near future, personally, I would change that files permission. :wink:

Hi @y0urself !

Thanks for the response. Normally I wouldn’t have hesitated to amend the file’s permissions. However, with security software I’m never sure if the direct forward approach is a good one. Don’t want to risk malfunction because perhaps some part of the tool requires said permission.

I think I’ll continue sudo’ing then. :slight_smile: