I need help I cant see the reports be sent out because of maximum length

  • I can’t see any reference to a gvmd.conf file anywhere in the linked topic so not sure where this info is originating from :-/
  • If systemd is used the file you are looking for is very likely gvmd.service and needs to be adjusted accordingly to pass something like e.g.:
    --max-email-attachment-size=4000000 --max-email-include-size=4000000 --max-email-message-size=4000000`
    to the gvmd binary in the ExecStart line
  • Unfortunately i’m not able to give more specific support as i’m not familiar with your setup / used installation method
  • Note that this info is also (but not that specific) in the topic linked above in various later comments
  • As updating such systemd specific files are not specific to the Greenbone software stack you might need to get more support from the community of the chosen Linux distribution