Did you take a look at the logs for possible issues or at the errors tab of the corresponding report?
For a migration you only need to copy the contents of the psql_data_vol volume which contains the postgres database. The other volumes will be re-created with the correct content automatically.
This can have several causes not even related to your migration. Therefore we need to take a look at the logs.
I wasn’t aware that this might be a problem as users of our containers should be familiar with docker and docker compose. Getting logs is easy and more or less standard docker procedure. Nevertheless I did take this as invitation to add some hints to our docs.
# ---- old host ----
# create folder in your pwd
mkdir archive
# get volume names
docker volume ls
# Backup source volume
backup_date=$(date +"%Y%m%d")
docker run --tty --rm --interactive --volume ${source_volume}:/source --volume ${PWD}/archive:/backup ubuntu:jammy tar czvf /backup/${source_volume}_${backup_date}.tar.gz -C /source .
# ---- new host ----
# create folder in your pwd
mkdir archive
# copy file from old to new host's archive folder
# replace placeholders with actual values
scp <remote_user>@<oldserver>:archive/<backup_file_name>.tar.gz archive
# Restore backup
docker run --tty --rm --interactive --volume ${target_volume}:/target --volume ${PWD}/archive:/backup ubuntu:jammy tar xzvf /backup/${restore_archive} -C /target
# install Greenbone community containers
# see GB community site for instructions
# I used the script, but restarted it using my yml file
# Start greenbone
# make sure $DOWNLOAD_DIR is part of your env
docker compose -f $DOWNLOAD_DIR/docker-compose.yml -p greenbone-community-edition up -d
I suppose this is the culprit. /var/lib/gvm/gvmd/gnupg in the gvmd container contains the gpg key for encrypting the credentials. I wasn’t aware of this directory and that encrypting the credentials is activated by default (or did you activate it by intention?). You need to copy the content of this directory to your new gvmd container.