How to disable a VT via gvm-cli using oid

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  • I am trying to disable the checkbox (for ex: for CPE inventory which is enabled)

  • I tried using gvm-cli modify_configs, but it did not work. Here is the command I tried

 gvm-cli --gmp-username admin --gmp-password admin socket --socketpath run/gvmd/gvmd.sock --xml '<modify_config config_id="766ff569-80aa-4a48-9bf4-6d586f288e7a"><preference><nvt oid=""/><name>nvt:</name><value>bm8=</value></preference></modify_config>'

  • where the value bm8== is base64 encoded version of no. I also tried base 64 encoded version of 0 as value still, i could see there is no change.

  • I tried below command, but unfortunately, all the VT’s within Service detection got disabled except the CPE inventory.
gvm-cli --gmp-username admin --gmp-password admin socket --socketpath gvmd/gvmd.sock --xml '<modify_config config_id="766ff569-80aa-4a48-9bf4-6d586f288e7a"><nvt_selection><family>Service detection</family><nvt oid=""/><name>nvt:</name><value>MA==</value></nvt_selection></modify_config>'
  • I though passing single nvt with disable status will actually remove only it. But instead it actually removed rest of the NVT from the family.