How many times i can sync nvts, scapdata, certdata?

Hi guys, i would like to know about how many times i can sync Opevas community databases?

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Only one sync per time, otherwise the source ip will be temporarily blocked.

The community feed is updated once per day. Therefore It doesn’t make sense to run the sync scripts more often. As far as I know one connection per IP address is allowed. A second connection will be blocked until the first connection has been closed.

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Take attention to crontab. with the packages Openvas on CentOS, /etc/cron.d/openvas-sync-nvt and /etc/cron.d/openvas-sync-scap are run at the same hour (1h00). My updates have been blocked.
Change a time in one script (and remender to check/redo after yum update…).

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If both scripts are running at the same time i would suggest to contact the maintainer of your used packages to get a short delay between both scripts added.

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