Please advise how generally OpenVAS new feed updates come?
Iam using Greenbone Security Assistant Version 7.0.3. I did tried manual update the feed and I am able to to do so through CLI with no error but the database remains old one.
I did run below cmdlets, Its completed without any error but the databases remains old one.
Too old (1827 days) - Please check the automatic synchronization of your system
CVEs, CPEs, OVAL Definitions
Too old (1828 days) - Please check the automatic synchronization of your system
|CERT| CERT-Bund Advisories, DFN-CERT Advisories|OpenVAS CERT Feed|201904030000|Too old (1828 days) - Please check the automatic synchronization of your system|
It should be obvious that you have neglected to update your vulnerability feed and are using a wildly outdated version of Greenbone. Obviously, you need to
Update your current version of Greenbone to a more recent one.
Read the documentation and manuals for Greenbone
Continue to update and maintain your Greenbone installation and your knowledge of the various Greenbone components if you expect it to work.
However, there is a much more simple approach to running Greenbone. The Greenbone Cloud Service is a managed cloud service that allow you to do vulnerability scanning in a simple push button manner without installing, maintaining complex software.
I notice the NVT’s are daily, others less critical are less commonly updated which makes sense to me. I note you are using a very antiquated method of updating (legacy Greenbone CE method). It’s all Docker commands now - not Bash shell apt…
All feed components are deployed on a daily basis currently. This does not mean, that they all have new content every day.
We still support bash-commands. The data images containing the Greenbone Community Feed only work “per default” with the Community Containers. When using source build or else, you probably need to run the sync-script! (e.g. the new python based one)
@gdutt You are running some GSA in Version 7, which is from 2019. We will not and can not support you in this case. As mentioned by @rippledj please update your installation - you probably best go with a complete new installation!