Hint: Verify the availability of scanner helper tools of your GSE Source / Package installation


Valid for: Greenbone Source Edition (GSE) installations build from source / installed via 3rd-party integration.

Not valid for: Greenbone OS (GOS) based installation like Greenbone Security Manager (GSM) or Greenbone Community Edition (GCE). On such installations all required and current supported tools are already pre-installed / available.


When deciding to use a Greenbone Source Edition (GSE) installation various scanner helper tools might be missing. The following VT allows you to verify your installation and provides some insights into the consequences if a specific tool is missing.

Availability of scanner helper tools (OID:

Note: The VT is “Silent” by default and you need to set the preference Silent tool check to no for getting an output.

Example output

The following is an example output of this specific VT:

The following tools are not accessible for the scan engine. Please contact the responsible administrator of the installation to make the missing tool(s) available.

Tool: WMI Client (Scanner not build with extended WMI support via the openvas-smb module)
Effect: Any NVTs that do rely on the built-in WMI functionality will not be executed. Most likely reduced are Authenticated Scans due missing Local Security Checks (LSC), compliance tests and OVAL NVTs.
Note: If you did not provide SMB credentials or do not scan host with Windows operating systems, the absence will not reduce the number of executed NVTs.

Tool: SMB Client (Scanner not build with extended WMI support via the openvas-smb module)
Effect: Any NVTs that do rely on the built-in SMB functionality will not be executed. Most likely reduced are Authenticated Scans due missing Local Security Checks (LSC), compliance tests and OVAL NVTs.
Note: If you did not provide SMB credentials or do not scan host with Windows operating systems, the absence will not reduce the number of executed NVTs.

Tool: SNMP Client (Scanner not build with libsnmp support)
Effect: Advanced SNMP checks and connections to SNMPv3 only services will fail.
Note: If you do not scan host with SNMP services, the absence will not reduce the number of executed NVTs.

Tool: nmap 4.0 or newer
Effect: Port scanning and service detection based on nmap is not available.

Tool: pd/phrasendrescher
Effect: The phrasendrescher wrapper will not deliver results. This NVT could otherwise attempt to find SSH accounts and passwords via brute-force attempts.
Note: This wrapper is not available in the Greenbone Security Feed (GSF).
Note: The tool is not available on a Greenbone OS (GOS) based installation like the Greenbone Security Manager (GSM) or Greenbone Community Edition (GCE).

Tool: ncrack
Effect: ncrack wrappers will not deliver results. The ncrack wrappers could otherwise attempt to find FTP, SSH and Telnet accounts and passwords via brute-force attempts.
Note: The wrapper for this tool is not available in the Greenbone Security Feed (GSF).
Note: The tool is not available on a Greenbone OS (GOS) based installation like the Greenbone Security Manager (GSM) or Greenbone Community Edition (GCE).

Tool: portbunny
Effect: Optional port scanning based on portbunny is not available.
Note: The wrapper for this tool is not available in the Greenbone Security Feed (GSF).
Note: The tool is not available on a Greenbone OS (GOS) based installation like the Greenbone Security Manager (GSM) or Greenbone Community Edition (GCE).

Tool: pnscan
Effect: Optional port scanning based on pnscan is not available.

Tool: strobe
Effect: Optional port scanning based on strobe is not available.
Note: The wrapper for this tools is deprecated and is not available in the Greenbone Security Feed (GSF).
Note: The tool is not available on a Greenbone OS (GOS) based installation like the Greenbone Security Manager (GSM) or Greenbone Community Edition (GCE).

Tool: amap/amap6
Effect: Optional port scanning and service detection based on amap is not available.
Note: The wrapper for this tool is not available in the Greenbone Security Feed (GSF).
Note: The tool is not available on a Greenbone OS (GOS) based installation like the Greenbone Security Manager (GSM) or Greenbone Community Edition (GCE).

Tool: masscan
Effect: Optional port scanning based on masscan is not available.
Note: The wrapper for this tool is not available in the Greenbone Security Feed (GSF).
Note: The tool is not available on a Greenbone OS (GOS) based installation like the Greenbone Security Manager (GSM) or Greenbone Community Edition (GCE).

Tool: nikto.pl/nikto
Effect: It is not possible to run the two NVTs ‘Nikto (NASL wrapper)’ (OID: and ‘Starts nikto with Option -Tuning x016bc and write to KB’ (OID:

Tool: w3af (binary: w3af_console)
Effect: It is not possible to run the NVT ‘w3af (NASL wrapper)’ (OID:

Tool: DIRB
Effect: It is not possible to run the NVT ‘DIRB (NASL wrapper)’ (OID:
Note: The wrapper for this tool is not available in the Greenbone Security Feed (GSF).

Tool: arachni
Effect: It is not possible to run the NVT ‘arachni (NASL wrapper)’ (OID:
Note: The wrapper for this tool is not available in the Greenbone Security Feed (GSF).

Tool: wapiti
Effect: It is not possible to run the NVT ‘wapiti (NASL wrapper)’ (OID:
Note: The wrapper for this tool is not available in the Greenbone Security Feed (GSF).

The check for an up-to-date scan engine version was successful. Minimum expected version: 8.0, Current installed version: 9.0.3