Health check containers Openvas

do openvas containers have a health check? I inspected with ‘docker inspect’ but didn’t found informations about this, needed of this to do service in systemd that run the openvas with “docker compose” and check if all containers are up. I’m sorry my english bad, i’am brazilian.

Hi Vitor,

To the point, I don’t know about a health check for the Docker containers. However, that is a great idea. I think the current consensus is that they usually just work or are easy to troubleshoot, or restart. :smiley:

Many thanks for the reply. I understand, really, the problem occurred when it is necessary to run on systemd or something equivalent, otherwise it does not need integrity checking. However, could anyone in the community provide me with a way to check the integrity of core containers like redis, ospd-openvas, gvmd, pg-gvm? etc. Any workaround helps me, like sending a get request on a port to see if the container responds correctly. something just for the main containers such as redis, gvmd, pg-gvm helps me.

That is a feature only available with the commercial Greenbone Hardware Appliances. A integrity check does not require full control over your environment, that is not the case with VM or container.

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