Gvm-cli full xml report not working

Hello, I’m trying to download the content of a report in XML format using gvm-cli. I’ve used many different filters, but the report always comes up incomplete. The command I’m using is:

gvm-cli --gmp-username openvas --gmp-password password socket --pretty --xml='<get_reports report_id="..........." filter="apply_overrides=0 levels=hmlgf min_qod=70 first=1 sort-reverse=severity details=1 rows=-1 ignore_pagination=1"/>' > export.xml

'<get_reports report_id="........." filter="apply_overrides=0 levels=hmlgf min_qod=70 first=1 sort-reverse=severity details=1 rows=1000 ignore_pagination=1"/>'

I’ve tried setting rows=-1 and rows=10000, but the row count is always capped at around 4000, while the web interface shows 52,000 rows. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong.