GSM Trial 21.04.8 Web Interface not rechable

Hello there.
I Installed GSm Trial 21.04.08 in Oracle VM Virtual Box
Using NAT (tried 2cond network device with host only adapter with static ip as well)
Feed was updated Today.
It worked when i first installed it a week ago but since i put the Trial Key in it is not working (no clue if something else was changed due to that?)

Network cofig:
Ipv4 enabled
dhp enabled
Satic ip disabled
Ipv6 disabled

I run out of ideas what to do tbh
Would appreciate any idea.

Self check only display the disgraceful shutdown - this was me shutting down the vm…

Hello phil1312, welcome to the Greenbone Community!

Importing a trial key has no effect on the functionality of the web interface or the network, it’s not that.

In general, the network configuration is something that the user is responsible for, and I cannot give you any specific advice for your NAT setup. Does it work with bridged networking, which is our recommended setting for the GSM TRIAL?